Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Smells like home December 16 2008

December 16 2008

Email to a friend in India 

Knowing how things go living here, I am not upset about the lack of response. "Things take longer in ________." Fill in the blank, China; India.  

So it's tough to get around to everything.   

One thing that has struck me is how much living goes on here in comparison with back in the states.  

What I mean is, it's like at camp. We do so much in a week that when we get home it seems like we were gone two weeks instead of one.  

I have only been back in China for 46 days. but it feels like 6 months. It's really strange. In a good way. We felt so at home here (and not as much at home in Texas) that coming back was a relief.  

I still love Texas and it was great to be there, but this is just the place to be. As Andrew said the first night we were back in Texas, and we were talking about whether we were coming back to China or not, "We just fit."  

We do so much. In fact one day in August when we had been here about two weeks, I got lost on my bike. (I love it when that happens. I find so many new places.)  

I was about a mile from our house (I found out later) and I said in my head, "Smells like home."   

Then I analyzed that statement. Why did I use the exact word 'home'? There were other words. But I realized this had become home in just over a fortnight. Unbelievable.  

I know you have had similar feelings. I would love to talk about them with you sometime.  

I had Indian food for the first time last week. Some of it was very good. Maybe if ticket prices droop, you could order for us and show us the really good stuff.  

I have a kid in my class who was born in India. That is one of the coolest things. Having kids from cities other than the exotic places like Gladewater and Winona and Gilmer.  

More later. Buying Christmas ornaments from Hearts and Hands today.  


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